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Graduate Programs


Field General Screening Special Screening
  • A Masters degree holder or an applicant who is expected to receive a Masters degree before the admissions period of the term the applicant is applying to
  • Educational attainment equivalent to a Masters degree approved by the Korean Minister of Education science and technology

Special Screening Consideration is given to Applicants who meet the eligibility of the General Screening process and who are also one of the following:

  • A. Primary and secondary school teachers or educators in higher education including adjunct teachers
  • B. Government employees who are category 5 or equivalent to the same position
  • C. Central/local government lab researchers or civil lab researchers who are exempt from military service
  • D. Attorney, CPA, technical expert(professional engineers), or any professionals with an equivalent certificate
  • E. The board member of a company which has been externally audited or members of nonprofit organizations
  • F. The member of basic local government, Metropolitan City, or Ministry of Education or equivalent to the same position
  • G. A person who made an outstanding contribution to Kyungil Universitys growth
  • A Bachelors degree holder or an applicant who is expected to receive a Bachelors degree before the admissions period of the term the applicant is applying to
  • Educational attainment equivalent to a bachelor's degree approved by the Korean Minister of Education science and technology