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subjectThe KIU Nursing Major Students Train in the Indiana University North Hospital


The KIU nursing department, which seeks to foster international level nurses, sent 10 nursing students to the Indiana University North Hospital to be trained from August 3rd to 17th.

The Indiana University North Hospital is ranked as the top hospital specializing in child heart operations field, and our students received valuable experience understanding and experiencing the tasks and work as a nurse.

10 KIU nursing students including Chung, Hyo Ju , a senior, had a one on one mentor relationship with a nurse there and learned real procedures while working in rotation and communicating in English. After work, they discussed about the processes of treatment and medical jargon with the persons concerned on conference every day.

In addition, they visited a rehabilitation hospital, the undergraduate school of the Indiana University, the graduate school of Indiana University, and the children’s hospital, and had time to tour those facilities. KIU supported the total expenses including round trip tickets, transportation fees, and the expenses for seminars.

Chung, Hyo Ju said, “ It was spectacular to experience and take some parts in the healing process with the medical team in the states that have very superior medical technology.” And she promised that she will be the best nurse possible who will practice with the mindset of a true Nightingale.

Professor. Kim, Mi Han said, “After we invited Kim, Myung Sook who is a case manager in Indiana University North Hospital for the seminar, we took that opportunity and we started the training program in the Indiana University North Hospital every summer vacation. Since we started this program, it has improved our students’ English ability and their practical skills have improved significantly and they all got employed in superior general hospitals. We can reach much closer to our departmental goal of fostering international level nurses by practicing in Indiana University North Hospital.”

경일대 간호학과, 인디애나폴리스 병원에서 연수 사진


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