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subjectAll Residence Hall Rooms at KIU now Have Refrigerators


All Residence Hall Rooms at KIU now Have Refrigerators
Happy residence halls are finally at hand
as the KIU administration implemented optional meal plans,
abolished the roll call, and allowed students to choose their roommates.


Kyungil University(President Chung Hyuntae) announced on March 29(Wed) all residence hall rooms are now equipped with personal refrigerators.

In all four residence halls, Ilcheonggwan, Woongbigwan, Mongnyeongwan, and Jiseonggwan, students can now freely use their personal 90-liter refrigerators(a double room) or 160-liter refrigerators(a quad room).

While most universities refuse to provide a personal refrigerator due to its cost and electricity charges, KIU is likely to mark a turning point for improvement of residence hall facilities among universities nationwide.

Recently, it has been controversial that some university residence halls require students to purchase mandatory meal plans. Also, the fees of a few private residence halls are too high. However, residence halls at KIU, by their own estimation, have successfully completed a change for a happy residence life for students by providing them with optional meal plans, more choice in selecting roommates, and various culture classes, abolishing the evening roll call, and finally installing personal refrigerators.

“In residence hall satisfaction surveys, many students suggested installing personal refrigerators, and we really have them now just like a gift,” said Kim Kyuah, an Emergency Medical Technology major who is living in Ilcheonggwan. “It is unimaginable in other universities’ residence halls to have a personal refrigerator, so I am very happy and feel at home here,” she added.

“It is rare throughout the country to install a personal refrigerator in every residence hall room,” Yoo Byungsun, the residence hall director, said. “This is possible as residence halls at KIU are run by the university instead of any private entities.”


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