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Undergraduate Programs

College of Future Convergence

College of Future Convergence
School and Department Tel HomePage
School of Smart Industry 82-53-600-4722 homepage
Department of Nuclear Energy 82-53-600-4722 homepage
Smart Tech Major 82-53-600-4722 homepage
Occupational and Enviromental Safety Major 82-53-600-4722 homepage
School of Smart Management 82-53-600-4721 homepage
Social Welfare Practice Major 82-53-600-4721 homepage
Start-up Business Management Major 82-53-600-4721 homepage
Sports and Leisure Management Major 82-53-600-4721 homepage
Department of Real Estate Investment and Techmology 82-53-600-4721 homepage
Major Real Estate Investment 82-53-600-4721 homepage
Major Financial Investment 82-53-600-4721 homepage
School of Lifelong Education 82-53-600-4723 homepage
Lifelong Education 82-53-600-4723 homepage
Rehabilitation Psychotherapy 82-53-600-4723 homepage
Department of Smart Agriculture 82-53-600-4723 homepage
Major in Smart Farming 82-53-600-4723 homepage
Major in Smart Agricultural Machinery 82-53-600-4723 homepage
School of Life-long KIUM 82-53-600-4723 homepage